Producer Spotlight: Simply Natural Farms & Nursery
Organic Mango Investments are in Good Hands At Simply Natural Farms

As a frequent visitor to organic commercial fruit farms in Latin America, I’ve learned that a farm’s nursery is a key component to its success. Simply Natural Farms is no different.
The nursery serves many purposes to the commercial mango farm.
- Ensuring that the farm has the best adapted commercial genetics for planting.
- Decreasing costs to the farm (if the farm has to buy the starter plants outside of the farm the costs increase significantly).
- Properly controlling pests and diseases from the onset of the tree’s life.
- Easing the culling and selection process of trees so that only the strongest are planted.
Simply Natural Farms Grafting Techniques
It was very interesting to learn about Simply Natural’s organic mango grafting and early care techniques. The nursery has state of the art technology. The passionate team ensures the plants’ optimal care. Andrew Winstead, former farm manager, and current manager of commercial programs walked us through the process.
The Simply Natural team first germinates a locally adapted, and very strong root stock. The root stock sprouts and grows for six months or a year. At this time, the seedling is moved, rather forcibly, to a new spot in the greenhouse. I asked Andrew why they don’t move the seedling with more grace? He explained that they throw the bag down in its new spot to shock the plant. The plant then responds by building a stronger root system.
It’s clear these guys know a lot about mango farming. It’s great to see that the organic mango investments are in good hands.
You can read this story for an in-depth account of Simply Natural’s grafting process.
Learn more about Simply Natural Farms through their producer profile, as well as their website.