Producer Spotlight: The Yellow Barn Farm
A Regenerative-based Community

From Equestrian Ranch to Research Hub
Long before the beginning of the Yellow Barn Farm, the land of then Allen’s Farm was a ranch and equestrian facility. The landmark 100-acre property, just outside of downtown Boulder, Colorado, was once a thriving facility where they hosted large-scale competitive equestrian events. Today, this special land is home to the Yellow Barn Farm, a community based on promoting regenerative and sustainable practices. The farm works closely with the Drylands Agroecology Research Foundation to study regenerative agriculture and conduct research. It is now a place where people can research, implement, and cultivate regenerative practices. There are also many opportunities for community members to volunteer around the farm or at organized events.
The Yellow Barn Farm aims to increase carbon sequestration, feed and manage animals through silvopasture farming techniques, and offer fresh food to the community. Some of their offerings include farm raised eggs, mushrooms, coffee, and microgreens. On top of this, they maintain a space for continued research around a number of topics including regenerative agriculture, animal management, carbon sequestration, soil health, and dynamic/adaptable organizational structures.

The Yellow Barn Farm Mission
The organization is committed to promoting and implementing regenerative agriculture throughout their farm. They value being as planet positive as possible. Here are the two main regenerative practices they use:
Silvopasture is an intentional landscape design that turns pasture space into a diverse ‘woodland’ ecology. The space is full of trees that offer food to livestock like sheep, pigs, and chickens. The trees bear crops and build strong ecosystem diversity. As the trees mature, the silvopasture will strengthen in productivity. Contour swales are a part of this design. This landscaping creates natural irrigation methods, using heavy rains to direct the flow of water. As the system establishes, these beautiful alleys maintain a nice appearance.
Carbon Sequestration
While carbon sequestration can happen in a number of ways, Yellow Barn Farm focuses on planting trees. Their immediate plan is to install a 6,000 tree windbreak and soundbreak along a nearby highway. These trees will combat soil erosion from the 130 mph winds that often sweep through the plains. They will also offer pasturing animals shade and forage material.
Products, Services, & Resources from Yellow Barn Farm
There are numerous ways for people in the area to get involved at the Yellow Barn Farm. Action Days are designated times for volunteers to aid in big projects. They also have regular ongoing projects related to compost and tree planting.

For example, a biweekly compost pick up program offers compost plus resources and instructions on how to make your own. Participants also receive discounts for other products from the farm.
The farm also has an Adopt-a-Tree program where they host regular Carbon Sequestration Celebrations to plant trees together. They dedicate each tree to the community of supporters.
Discover more about Yellow Barn Farm’s organic produce and see what they are up to today on the farm.